
Lingjun Zhao

Incoming PhD Student
Georgia Institute of Technology

About Me

Hi! This is Lingjun Zhao (Jason), an incoming PhD student in Robotics at Georgia Institute of Technology, where I’m co-advised by Prof. Lu Gan and Prof. James Hays. I’m also affiliated with Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering. I’m broadly interested in Robot Perception, Planning and Control. My current research focuses on the intersection of Robotics and Computer Vision.

I obtained my master degree at University of Michigan’s Robotics Institute, supervised by Prof.Katie Skinner. I worked as a research assistant in UM Ford Center for Autnonomous Vehicles (FCAV), researching on robot perception for self-driving cars. Prior to joining the Master program, I completed my bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering at Tianjin University, where I was advised by Prof. Fujun Wang and Prof. Le Song. During my undergraduate period, I worked on Soft Robot, Surgical Robot and Vision-based Tactile Sensor.

Outside of academia, I began my journey as an amateur soccer player since my middle school. You could also catch me on the badminton and table tennis courts. Photography and traveling are also my favorites.

Research Interest


  1. CVPR
    CRKD: Enhanced Camera-Radar Object Detection with Cross-modality Knowledge Distillation
    Lingjun Zhao*, Jingyu Song*, Katherine A. Skinner
    Accepted! IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2024, 05/2023 ~ 11/2023, FCAV, University of Michigan.
  2. ICRA
    LiRaFusion: Deep Adaptive LiDAR-Radar Fusion for 3D Object Detection
    Jingyu Song, Lingjun Zhao, Katherine A. Skinner
    Accepted! IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2024, 01/2023 ~ 09/2023, FCAV, University of Michigan.
    A Tactile Sensor With Slippage Prediction by Unequal-Height Dome Array
    Yong Yang, Meirong Zhao, Yifan Jia, Lingjun Zhao, Dongji Piao, Yelong Zheng, Le Song.
    IEEE Sensors Journal, 05/2021 ~ 09/2021, Tianjin University.
  4. Thesis
    Ophthalmic Surgical Robot Micro-manipulator Design
    Lingjun Zhao
    Undergraduate Final Year Individual Research Thesis, 12/2021 ~ 06/2022, Tianjin University


  1. Automatic Parking System: Dynamics Model, MPC Control and Hybrid A* Planning for Self-parking Vehicles
    ROB 599: Autonomous Vehicles, directed by Prof. Anouck Girard
    09/2023 ~ 12/2023, University of Michigan
  2. Loc-NeRF++: An Enhanced Robot Localization using Neural Radiance Fields
    ROB 530: Mobile Robotics, directed by Prof. Maani Ghaffari
    01/2023 ~ 04/2023, University of Michigan
  3. Ordinary Differential Equation Based Learning Dynamics for Robotic Systems
    ROB 498: Robot Learning for Planning and Control, directed by Prof. Nima Fazeli and Dmitry Berenson
    01/2023 ~ 04/2023, University of Michigan
  4. Depth-aware and Laplacian-steered Instance Style Transfer
    EECS 504: Computer Vision, directed by Prof. Andrew Owens
    08/2022 ~ 12/2022, University of Michigan
  5. ArmLab: Autnomous Control, Block Detection, and Path Planning for a 5-DOF Robotic Manipulator
    ROB 550: Robotics Systems Laboratory, directed by Prof. Peter Gaskell
    08/2022 ~ 10/2022, University of Michigan
  6. BotLab: PID Control, SLAM and Exploration for a MBot
    ROB 550: Robotics Systems Laboratory, directed by Prof. Peter Gaskell
    10/2022 ~ 12/2022, University of Michigan
  7. Design and Manufacturing of Soft Manipulator with Compound Structure
    Undergraduate Entrepreneurship Project, directed by Prof. Fujun Wang
    05/2020 ~ 05/2021, Tianjin University


